Fabricating the cat proofing on the inflatable awning poles.

Our expectations & reasoning behind this.
Reason for tent mobs (anything new has to be investigated).

White PTFE 0.3mm Sheet cut to size, the hole for valve and corners rounded. valve removed so plastic sheet can be put in position.

Plastic sheet in position.

Valve reassembled just need to do up the zip on the air pole.

The same process for the other valves and other corners, two with no holes and one with a double hole, I may need to put a stitch at top and bottom of the plastic sheets if they are prone to movement.

I’ve also replaced the cable ties on the zips with string so they can be accessed easily.


The Awning

I’m quite pleased with the tent, although still to use it in anger. I will write a review for the blog when I eventually do.
I’m hoping that having the air poles will not damage if exposed to strong winds if/when left unattended.
The PTFE plastic sheeting was sourced from E-Bay and appears to be cat claw proof in testing (only tested with above mention cat), hope this is of use to someone.

Home build – Pros.

Home build – Cons.

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