
The Beast
Sheila & Gary’s long-term project.

The van we call “The Beast” is a  1988 RHD Syncro caravel, camper conversion. originally a petrol 14″ but now fitted with a 1900 TDI AHU diesel engine and 16″ wheels, plus quite a few other changes, and a lot more to come.

As the links bar suggests we hope to give an overview of the van, and the work on it, along with its modifications, plus reviews of the kit we use and the places we visit.

For a summary of the work so far and the kit, we are using or have available see the slowly growing reviews section. Sorry some of the links are brief descriptions or just photos but we will get around to posting more photos, full write-ups, & reviews when time allows.

For an idea of where we are heading with the van, and what we hope to achieve see Work in Progress, located under About the Beast. Section, some of the plans may be on the to-do list for some time.

For the places we’ve been see the Travel with the Beast section, (sorry this section is a long way behind). but should someday be the biggest part of the site, as it’s the reason for having the van.

Hopefully, the site will grow to one day be of use to others.



We would have welcomed comments and suggestions but have had to turn off the comments due to the amount of absolute rubbish and adverts we get  (it’s a shame a few spoil it for all). we are still learning how to use Word Press, so may be able to turn comments on if we can find a way to filter the rubbish.


The beasts blog

Wing mirror upgrade.

Having originally fitted the truck mirrors it’s been our intention for a long time to fit additional wide-angle mirrors, we are hoping long term to find a suitable single/combined unit but until one is available we have fitted separate mirrors. For more information & any updates. See Wing mirrors. in the reviews section.  

About the Beast

The “Beast” Past, Present, & Future.
where it started, what’s been done, & happening now, and where we hope to go.

The Past.
          The history of the beast.
                The van’s origins and our starting point.
          What’s been done.
                 The list of modifications & upgrades by us.

The present.
         Work in progress.
                The jobs we are working on or are planning to do.
         Maintenance repairs & remedial work.
                     Some of the jobs we had to do.
         Basic specifications

The Future.
           Long-term plans for the Beast.
                   A few ideas for additions to the van, (if the current wish list gets too small).
           The possible future.
                   Artist impressions of what we are currently planning for the van.
            Pipe Dreams.
                   Getting further from reality all the time.






The Beasts travels


Travels, past & future.
        Where we’ve been, (sorry just a holding page at the moment).
        What we are hoping to do in the future.

Trip planning & logistics.  
       Our essentials list,  (Items we expect to always have with us).
       Checklists for departure, home, and on-route, (checklist for when we’re traveling).
Equipment & spares lists for extended trips.

First aid & Remote travel.
           First aid & Remote travel kitContents.
           Emergency snatch bags & contents.
           Insect & animal protection.

See also.

           Campsites we’ve used, (map locations).
           Location and details, (Information on the sites).

Sorry this section seems to have stopped working

We did have this working but Google has changed their soft where and in the process lost what we had posted. We will replace it ASAP.







A few personal thoughts and comments on the bits of kit we use.
Not many yet, but we will add more ASAP

Permanently fitted or Available.

       Mechanical and electrics.
                 Items usually or permanently fitted on the van.
                 Items usually or permanently fitted on the van.
                Items usually or permanently fitted on the van.

General use & Camping.

       For use with the van.
                 Equipment for use in the or with the van when traveling.
       Lightweight camping kit
                 Equipment for use with the van or for excursions from the van.
     Safety equipment.
                 Although most, if not all of the items listed appear in other lists I think they are important enough to warrant their own category.

Maintenance, spares & recovery.

       Spares & tools for the van.
                 Spares, tools & equipment for our travel with the van.
        Basic tool kit.

                  What’s in the toolbox.
        Recovery kit.
                  Currently available recovery kit.

Toys & Follies.

                 Items that need a place to go.

                Items bought or made for the van but no longer used, or ideas that went nowhere, (but may be of use to others).
The second van.
               Ideas guinea pig for the Beast.

See also

Running the beast.

Serves schedules & schematics.
      Serves schedules.
                Under construction and overdue,
     Tools & spares for long-term maintenance.
               Tools & spares usually left at home for planned jobs, but are available if required.
     Van-specific tools & equipment.
              Tools used or adapted for jobs on mostly this type of van.

Electric connections & schematics.

    Electric connections by category.
       Electric use by category & related job list,
    Electric connections by fuse #.
        Under construction.
Switch connections.
        Under construction.

Long-term maintenance & custom tools.

        Custom tools.
            Tools we’ve made,  modified, or adapted for use with the van.
        Custom kit & Equipment.
            The equipment we’ve made,  modified, or adapted for use with the van.
        Workshop tools.
            The big stuff that stays at home.