“The Beast.”


Sheila & Gary’s long-term project.

The van we call “The Beast” is a  1988 RHD Syncro caravel, camper conversion. originally a petrol 14″ but now fitted with a 1900 TDI AHU diesel engine and 16″ wheels, plus quite a few other changes, and a lot more to come.

As the links bar may suggest we hope to give an overview of the van, and the work on it, along with its modifications, plus reviews of the kit we use and the places we visit.

For a summary of the work so far and the kit, we are using or have available see the slowly growing reviews section. Sorry some of the links are brief descriptions or just photos but we will get around to posting more photos, full write-ups, & reviews when time allows. We have tried to group them into their most relevant categories, although some fit equally in more than one, so may appear in more than one place, we will try to indicate where this has happened with a link to the other occurrence.  

For an idea of where we are heading with the van, and what we hope to achieve see Work in progress, located under About the Beast. Section, some of the plans may be on the to-do list for some time.

For the places we’ve been see the Travel with the Beast section, (sorry this section is a long way behind). but should someday be the biggest part of the site, as it’s the reason for having the van.

Hopefully, the site will grow to one day be of use to others.


We would have welcomed comments and suggestions but have had to turn off the comments due to the amount of absolute rubbish and adverts we get  (it’s a shame a few spoil it for all). we are still learning how to use WordPress, so may be able to turn comments on if we can find a way to filter the rubbish.

Comments,  (test Page).
Our second attempt at a comments section, we will see if it works

If you are a part of “Club 80-90” and desperate to contact us we are members there,
(look for Bat).

The Bests evaluation, 
slide show.
Sorry, it’s a bit slow to start sometimes.


We will add more photos and info here as the van progresses.


